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Do you want to look your best? Then avoid these mistakes!
Wearing your favorite suit, paid top dollar, you’re convinced you’ve solved your desire to look stylish, established in your professional career.
A few frequent outfit mistakes, however, can really put a serious dent in your style, compromising everything and making you back to square one (and with less money in your pocket).
We’ve already seen the 10 tricks to revamp the look of a suit; we’ve learned how to select the right shirt collar and tie knot for our face shape and then how to properly put together the tie/shirt collar/jacket lapel trio.
Today we see some very common mistakes when wearing a men’s suit.
Don’t wrap your head around it because, fortunately, these are easily fixable mistakes. 🙂
An expensive dress then you may not buy it frequently. So once purchased it is important not to waste this opportunity.
With a little bit of effort, with these tips, you’ll see your style blossom making your look significantly brighter. Want to bet?
I’ve put together a list of the 6 most common mistakes that can be really easily avoided, spending nothing or very little compared to what you spent on the dress.
See them.
1. Shirt sleeves too short / Dress sleeves too long

Aesthetically, it’s not good to not see the shirt cuff peeking out from under a jacket sleeve. Equally bad is seeing a jacket sleeve sucking in the shirt cuff.
Se sIf they are too short, the shirt sleeves will push back too far when you lift your arms. If they’re too long, the cuff of the shirt sleeve will start to bend and bunch up on the back of your hands when you hold your arms down.
This styling mistake is quite common and the problem stems from the fact that there are as many as two garments in play to manage and therefore more chances to make a mistake! 😛
Shirt sleeve
With arms resting along the sides, the shirt sleeve should protrude from under the jacket sleeves by 0.7-1.3 inches (1/4 inch to 1/2 inch).
PiMore to the point, still in this position the shirt sleeve should end very close to where the wrist meets the palm of the hands.
Jacket sleeve
Instead, the jacket sleeves should end just above the top of the protruding wrist bone (pisiform bone).
Le Suit jacket sleeves in the correct length, consequently, will allow the shirt cuff to show 1/4-1/2 inch.
So, when buying your shirt or jacket, take care to buy them in the size that suits you and, when possible, do not rule out buying custom-made from a tailor.
2. Pants too loose / Pants too long

This mistake is more frequent than it may seem and I’m sure that, when it happens, it’s out of pure laziness or simply because you don’t consider it an important thing.
Yet the length and width of the trouser leg, down to its lowest part, plays a very important role in the male figure.
Currently, pants are again worn wide and even quite long, but the fashion of the moment is something else.
An excessive length and width of the crease of the pants, which comes abundantly up to the shoes, gives a bad appearance. Sometimes it also makes one seem shorter in stature than in reality.
Regardless of how long you prefer your pants, the bottom of your pants should never be too wide. That way, even pants that overlap your shoes at the bottom will look clean and not sloppy.
Speaking of crease width: be careful not to overdo the slim style, because even pants that are overly tight at the ends don’t look good.
Once again, if you’re not able to find the right length and width of the lower end of your pants on your own, ask someone who has an eye, or go to a tailor to get a clearer and more complete picture: with a not excessive expense he will fix to perfection even your precious pants.
Do not be afraid that this is an unnecessary expense avoidable: from a tailor, if you’ve never been there, you will live a truly rewarding experience, difficult to tell on a web page and, if I could, I would guarantee you a “satisfied or refunded”! 🙂
3. Jacket shoulders too wide

Argh! The photos speak for themselves.
In the first photo, in particular…it looks like the shoulders of the jacket are desperately trying to figure out where the wearer’s shoulders went. Yet there they are!
herzi aside, this is a mistake that alas we still see being made, although (fortunately) not as frequent as a few years ago.
That’s money almost wasted on this dress. And while you were spending money, you could have gotten the flawless effect in the right photo for the same amount of money.
To solve this problem, make sure the shoulders of the suit jacket fit you well. Eh, yes…I know…cheers!
But you still have to learn to have a sense of yourself and like yourself when you look in the mirror!
To check the correct fit of your shoulders, you need to make sure that the jacket’s shoulder is aligned and fits like a glove to your shoulder, generating a clean shape from the collar of the jacket to the hem of your shoulders.
In short, the shoulders of the jacket should end where your shoulders end, neither before nor after.
4. Pay attention to the collar gap

I have mentioned this error in this article. I want to dwell and deepen it, because this error is unfortunately to be included among the frequent and many commit it without knowing it.
Tell me in the comments how many of you when you go to buy a jacket also pays attention to this detail!
In fact, it might not be the first thing you think of when you’re wearing a jacket, but there’s a fundamental relationship between the jacket collar (more correctly called the lapel, or lapels) and the shirt collar.
Looking at the image above, it’s clear that the jacket on the right fits better. This is because there is no gap between the two collars. The problem, on the other hand, is quite evident in the picture on the left.
The lapels of the jacket should fit tightly against the shirt collar.
Any space between the two is synonymous with sabotaging your style.
Consider that if you have a perfectly shaped shirt, but a jacket that is too small, it will automatically create an excessive gap between the collars. Also a jacket that is too large, due to the abundance of fabric, will end up overly spaced from your shirt collar.
A “geometric secret” that I give you is to look carefully at the silhouette formed by the lapels of the jacket with the shirt collar: it should be that of a “V” rather than a “U”.
So pay attention to this detail on your next purchase. And remember to wear or bring with you one of the shirts that you will surely use with the dress to buy.
Alternatively…forgive me, I’m going to be repetitive and I’m afraid I’m going to be repetitive until the end…ask your trusted tailor for advice.
5. Dress too big

If your dress is like the one in the photo on the left…you’ve buried your style! 😛
You can show off the most elegant wristwatch, the scent of the most precious spices, the most expensive handmade silk tie from Como and wear a pair of the most prestigious shoes … If your dress “floats” on you, as if you were some kind of flying squirrel, it’s time to give it to someone who looks good in it and start over.
In order for a jacket to contour your bust well, the fabric should never curl up but should just taper your shape and always remain smooth throughout, never bunching up.
You may already hate me because, even now, my suggestion, if you really want to finally turn things around with your appearance, is to go to a tailor.
A tailor will craft the dress around your shape. You’ll feel the difference on your skin, in the perfectly fluid and synchronized body/dress movements, and it will be reflected in the admiration of those around you.
A dress made in full by a tailor certainly does not cost as much as a ready-made dress bought at the mall and if right now…it’s not the time to buy a handmade made-to-measure dress and you just don’t know how to do it, take under your arm a trusted friend, known to have a sharp eye, and ask him to help you in selecting the perfect dress.
And then a nice coffee at the bar…my treat! 🙂
6. Tie too long-short / Tie too wide

The suit is almost always accompanied by his favorite accessory, which has always completed it impeccably: the tie.
And here, too, on time, come the heinous crimes: horrible ties too short in length, or that reach up to the zipper of the pants. Mercy!
I know you’re in a hurry…but this mistake is easily solved, all it takes is a little effort.
I’ve already told you about the tie length error in this article. Here we’ll cover a few more details, to try to solve it for good.
Even a tie that is too wide, unless it is a thoughtful choice, could ruin your appearance. Let’s understand it better.
Solution: length problem
The rule is all in all simple: the tip of the shovel of the tie should touch the belt, as in the right picture of the image above.
In order to achieve this, it is first necessary that the length of the tie is proportionate to your height, that is, that you buy the tie of the appropriate length for you.
Current ties have a standard length of 148 inches. This length covers a wide range of human stature, but not the outsized ones such as, for example, those who are rather below average or, conversely, those who are really very tall, like a basketball player.
He can also be considered very tall who is particularly robust, with a very pronounced belly, because the tip of the tie before reaching the belt … will have to travel quite a few inches!
That said, considering a standard tie of 148 centimeters, to make sure that its tip reaches the belt, the only way is to intervene on the procedure of wearing the tie itself.
Yes, because it is at this stage, right in the very first lines, that the fate of the final length of the tie is decided.
Watch this video of my friend Maurizio … and do not miss the second 3rd and 4th … it is in this very short period of time that happens, with great ease, the key maneuver!
Maurizio has experience in tying a tie. If you are a beginner, you will need training to perfect this maneuver, until you quickly find the right initial set-up of shovel and pigtail.
There are many ways to tie a tie, but in general remember that the pigtail on the back of the tie should not be longer than the front shovel.
Another way to act on the final length of the tie is the knot itself: yes, because the more loops are made to the knot, the more centimeters of fabric are subtracted from the total; the tighter the knot, then, the more centimeters are let go to the total length of the tie.
In short, as you may be noticing, even a seemingly simple tie knot hides quite a few little things to know. But don’t be discouraged, because this is a fascinating world and, over time, for many gentlemen this has become a passion, a culture and this could happen to you too.
Going back to measurements…but it’s not over here!
Solution: width problem
Oh yes, you were forgetting the right width of the tie: here, in truth, comes into play a bit what is the fashion of the moment. Currently, a shovel width of 8 centimeters is preferred, a very well balanced measure.

Don’t worry, then, on 90% of the online and offline market you will already find them in this width.
And if you have a tie that you really care about, but you think it’s a bit retro these days because it’s too wide, like 9-10 centimeters? What do you do? Is there anything you can do to make it a current 8 centimeters?
There it is: the tailor…I knew it!
DM Ties tailors take care of your used ties.
DM Ties is a tailor’s shop in Pontecagnano, in the province of Salerno, where you will finally find yourself face to face with more than just a tailor.

Here’s Laura, busy sewing a DM Ties tie.
The person who decides whether or not you can tighten your tie is Veronica Malangone, co-founder of this wonderful manufacturing company in Campania, together with her brother Domenico.

Don’t ever make Veronica angry, because she…has the scissors on the side of the handle! 😛
At DM Ties, ties and accessories of pure traditional Italian tailoring have been made for almost 30 years.
Handmade is not a manufacturing technique as an end in itself. Handmade means, in fact, transforming manual skills and passion into products with specific requirements, requested by those who appreciate and purchase the final result. The work of a tailor, therefore, is a scalar work, that is infinitely moldable around a need.
iene by itself, now, that tightening a used tie at DM Ties is a natural activity.
A tie of yours at DM Ties will know how to turn it around like a sock and do what needs to be done with it, even turn it into a keychain for you!
The feasibility of reducing the size of a tie that is too large must be carefully evaluated in advance. A phone call to +39089200136 is sufficient to organize the intervention on the silk patient.
On the same number is also active WhatsApp. You can also find the contact directly at the bottom left of this page.
Not only the width of the tie can be changed: at DM Ties you can also restore seams matches, or repair some types of tears; or replace the interior, to renew the consistency and tightness, or remove stubborn stains that make it unusable.
Whatever intervention is then done, at the end your tie will receive a specific washing and ironing procedure, so the tie will return to its home with a wonderful fragrance, as good as new.
I’ll leave you with Veronica’s video, where she explains, definitely better than I do, how this service works and, be sure to follow these 6 simple tips and let me know the results in the comments! 🙂
For more info, costs and insights on tie restoration service, click the button below.