
Gabriella Fiore

Fashion trendsProductsProductsFashion trends

Sustainability and Style: trend-setting cork sartorial accessories


At DM Ties, we have recently made (by hand!) – and put online – two innovative products.

In the age of sustainability, fashion is evolving to embrace eco-friendly materials that not only respect the environment, but also add a unique touch to our style. Among these, cork emerges as one of the most fascinating protagonists.

You are warned… stuff for true dandies!

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Keep Calm and Enjoy this Singles’Day


Like Black Friday, Singles’ Day is a November day when many products can be bought on the Internet at truly record-breaking prices.

DM Ties also for this 2023 joins the event dedicated to lonely hearts with a flash superpromo that lasts only 2 days, November 10 and 11.

Let’s find out about Singles’ Day DM Ties 2023. Then let’s stick to the Internet and not miss the chance to take home a sartorial accessory at a discounted price, handmade in this wonderful Made in Italy workshop, where everything is still sewn by hand, like it used to be.

Singles' Day 2022 ties and tailoring accessories DM Ties
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Grandparents’ Day: gift ideas for them


Il prossimo 2 ottobre è la Festa dei nonni

Ecco qualche idea regalo originale per i nostri amati nonni, selezionati dal nostro Store online. Sono accessori sartoriali, perfetti per loro!

Solo dal 30 settembre al 2 ottobre, poi, celebriamo la ricorrenza con un coupon-sconto del 25% su tutto il catalogo online!

Alla fine di questo articolo vi dirò anche le origini di questa celebrazione.

Ma andiamo per gradi. Seguitemi!

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