
Get involved with B2B DM Ties

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Cravatte sartoriali e accessori abbigliamento scontati

You too can do business, with B2B Fashion Store DM Ties!

With the B2B Fashion Store, DM Ties intends to establish relationships with its suppliers/customers for the supply and sale of sartorial accessories made in its laboratory in Pontecagnano, in the province of Salerno, the only location in Italy.

But what does B2B mean?

B2B, acronym of Business-to-business is the expression used in order to refer to the commercial exchanges between companies and is usually associated to the electronic commercial transactions that happen between these last ones.

B2B DM Ties and clothing accessories

The term B2B, in essence, describes companies whose customers

How to join the B2B Fashion Store DM Ties?

The customer is no longer a consumer, but becomes a Business Customer, an organization that buys the ties and all the clothing accessories handmade by DM Ties to carry out, in turn, a co-productive economic activity.

An untipped necktie available in B2B DM Ties
An untipped necktie available in B2B DM Ties

So if you are a retailer or a private individual who wants to get involved in the first person in the fascinating world of handmade fashion accessories in Italy, appreciated throughout the world, this is an opportunity not to be missed.

In a few clicks you will have access to the company offers reserved to retailers and to all the collections in preview.

To have access to all the offers you need to register and once registered, after waiting for confirmation from an administrator, you can carry out your choice and finalize your order from the comfort of your office, PC or smartphone.

You can also purchase just one product and have it sent to the address of your choice. We guarantee:

  • fast delivery
  • no minimum order required
  • always updated collections
  • assistance

DM Ties will provide you with email, phone or WhatsApp support, ready to help you and clarify any doubts.

All you have to do is register and get in touch with the Sales Director, mr. Domenico Malangone co-founder DM Ties, to start this fantastic experience right away!



Phone: +39089200136 (Mon-Fri, 8.30am-4.30pm in Italy)

WhatsApp: click here


The home page of the new B2B DM Ties website
The home page of the new B2B DM Ties website
Get involved with B2B DM Ties ultima modifica: 2022-04-29T10:03:07+02:00 da Gabriella Fiore



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Gabriella Fiore

The author Gabriella Fiore

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