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Cravatte sartoriali e accessori abbigliamento scontati

An unconventional hue for an unconventional time: we are facing a new vision.

It is with these words that Pantone introduced the color of 2023: Viva Magenta 18-1750.

The shade 18-1750 Viva Magenta descends from the red family and is inspired by cochineal red, one of the most valuable dyes belonging to the natural dye family and one of the strongest and brightest the world has ever known.

Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Institute, explained.

Viva Magenta 18-1750: technical info

For insiders, here are the technical data of the color of the year 2023, Viva Magenta:

RGB: 190; 52; 85
CMYK: 20; 93; 56; 5
HEX: #BE3455

Viva Magenta 18-1750: characteristics

Powerful and inspiring, the choice of Viva Magenta is by no means accidental because, as Pantone always explains,

is a hybrid color, straddling comfortably between the physical and the virtual, evocative of our multidimensional world. Able, therefore, to tell the story of the reality we are living in, increasingly immersed in technology and making us more connected to each other.

Not surprisingly, Pantone and Artechouse, a leading multimedia technology company, have created The Magentaverse, an immersive installation in rooms with different textures and interaction patterns to fully experience the color of the year 2023.

magenta artechouse

In color psychology, reds are a powerful shade that celebrates life, and Viva Magenta is no different. Dynamic, bold that exudes rebellion, inclusive for all and with its vibrant hue it encourages experimentation and the courage to dare.

Viva Magenta 18-1750: how to match it

Exactly on the wave of this bold spirit the Viva Magenta creeps into our wardrobe. To be preferred with colors such as pale grays, blues, pastels or, why not, even to be worn with the most disparate shades of pink.

In short, as it now echoes on social media: welcome to the #Magentaverse!

Color of the year 2023: welcome #magentaverse ultima modifica: 2023-01-03T10:48:08+01:00 da Gabriella Fiore



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Gabriella Fiore

The author Gabriella Fiore

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